He was her son, his brother, a friend to many.
He was a former student, a bright
and engaging personality.
It came to an abrupt end at some point this weekend
and we are left with questions and tears.
Kirk loved and was loved.
His death brings us to our knees
and to the arms of each other.
Death can be cruel but it loses its power
when we reach out to others
and turn toward the One that cries with us.
I have long loved the sculpture of the Weeping Angel
and thought of it when I got the news last night
that Kirk is no longer a part of our world.
He will remain in our hearts, our memories,
but he no longer will be on the end of the phone
or share life with family and friends.
We will cry and we will miss him.
We have lost too many in this little community,
in this tight knit place.
My heart aches and hurts for the pain
his mother is enduring. And will forever live with.
The weeping angel. Heaven is aware.
He cares and comforts.
And oh, oh, how we need that now~