28 May 2008

I am my beloved's,and my beloved is mine.
~Song of Solomon 6:3 kjv

From the Father's Heart: My child, we have a wonderful love relationship that I want to guard at all costs. I am your beloved, and I feel the same way about you. In that sacred romance, I long for you to stay close to Me. There is no one else who will meet your needs like I will. There is no one who will ever love you like I do. Come, sit beside Me. I love to share My inmost secrets with you.

A Grateful Response: Your love is like no other, Lord. With You, there is a belonging and a warm sense of security. I love to walk and fellowship with You in the cool of Your garden, or by the warmth of a fire. When You speak, my heart and spirit leap to join my beloved One. Wherever You are, Lord, is where I want to be.

Simple Truth: If love were heaven's only gift, it would be enough.

Please go to Christianity.Com to sign up for a daily devotional. To spend additional time with His Word and Love is only a good thing~

1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to come here ~ may you leave with a softer, more beautiful view of His world.