13 June 2008

And I will pray the Father,
and he shall give you another Comforter,
that he may abide with you for ever.
From the Father's Heart ~ My child, I know when your heart is breaking, when you've said good-bye to the last dreams of your heart. I'm here for you, and I will hold you as long as you need to rest in My arms. My Spirit is ever present as the Comforter to speak peace to your heart and soul. In every sorrow, and for every tomorrow, I will be there. No one else can make that promise to you.

A Grateful Response ~ Lord, I never need to look farther than the comfort of Your arms. There You wait for me with expectant heart, longing for my fellowship. How many times I've felt Your strong arms and quiet whispers to my aching heart! Where else could I turn? Lord, You are my Comforter.

Simple Truth~ Just when we think all hope is gone, Jesus fills our hearts with song.
Today, as I was reading my daily devotional,
I remembered the grief stricken families
of the Scouts killed in the tornado.
I remembered the family of Audrey Caroline
and Luke of Bring the Rain.
Our Lord is our Comforter,
He is so in love with us,
and He promises
to always always be there for us.
What else, who else, do we need~

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Thank you for taking the time to come here ~ may you leave with a softer, more beautiful view of His world.