24 March 2012

I love this snapshot.
We were at the beach recently.
Cool, windy, still winter.
Ian walked out and sat down.
I didn't notice it at the time,
but when my daughter posted this
I couldn't help but wonder,
"What is he thinking?"
"How much water there is?"
"How big it looks?"
"How happy he is to be here?"
So many things run through their little minds
and I would love to have asked him,
"Ian, what were you thinking?"

Thank you, Lord, for these little ones
that keep us focused on
how small we are,
how large the world is,
and how magnificent You are.

18 March 2012

I love this time of year
Newness of nature
of spirit
and the fact that He arose
He arose from the dead
and He's coming back
for me
for you
Please be ready
What awaits you is what
I cannot wait to return to

07 March 2012

"In dreams and in love,
there are no impossiblities."
~ Janos Arnay

"We are all born for love.
It is the principle of existence,
and it's only end."
~ Benjamin Disraeli

Congratulations, Heath & Leslie.
We adore you to pieces.