19 September 2004

Ivan roared in and blew past~

It's Sunday afternoon and I'm listening to Johnny pressure wash the patio floor. As we had to remove all the furniture and plants, he's taking the time now to clean the floor. We'll paint it next weekend and once more set out the wicker and greenery. I'll get a swing up now! I do so love fall and winter and look forward to many hours on the patio and deck with good books, magazines and the swing~

We were blessed to have our power back on the same day we lost it. I didn't miss it really, catching up on sleep and magazines that had not been read. We got to have Jenny, Brandon, and Ian as house guests! and spent lots of time laughing with our grandson and playing on the floor.

Just heard from a fellow teacher that we will not have school Monday so I have a whole day to finish painting the hall bath. I'm putting a faux finish on the dressing and bathing areas that mimic the Tuscany style. It's coming along better than I'd expected and am anxious now to have it finished and completed. Johnny is a patient man, as I seem to redo another room as soon as I finish one. It would be hard to choose a favorite in our home - but just maybe, it's the 'New Orleans' bedroom that Brandon and Jenny used when they were here. Or maybe our dining room, with the aged paper and writings; or maybe, the way our bedroom wraps me up in its cocoon colors of browns and beige; or maybe it's . . . . .

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Thank you for taking the time to come here ~ may you leave with a softer, more beautiful view of His world.