20 September 2004

Reality begins once more~

Monday evening and I've just received the call saying "School will be open tomorrow". So - we're back into the realm of reality and life goes on. The cleanup is still continuing here in our neighborhood and the piles of debris grow larger each day. I didn't realize that so many of our people here lost such a vast number of trees and shrubbery. Or, maybe they're taking the time now to clean out what has been needing cleaning out! Don't we all have some of that in our lives!

I, for one, took the time while without power to clean out several closets and cabinets. It gave a sense of accomplishment to my being and I found myself walking around with my shoulders held a bit higher. (Strange how simple things can make one feel better! Or maybe it just doesn't take much to make some people happy.)

Mentioning happiness, a picture brought smiles to my face and a catch to my heart today. Our daughter sent a shot of our grandson this morning. Each time I hold him I'm reminded of how she felt at that age, and how he carries so many tiny parts of loved ones that have gone on before us. He's a small part of my parents, my beloved grandparents and so many others that are captured now only in faded pictures. I like to think he's captured the best of all of us - and I find myself wanting to be only the best for him. I wrote a poem for our daughter once - Jenny in the Morning. Maybe I'll post it and just maybe, someone, somewhere will know the feelings it invokes. Time. It goes much too fast and is such a precious commodity. So, again - until another time, may you find many moments of love and laughter~

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Nancy Hood!!
    This is your old pal Jon from my days in Prattville! I've enjoyed your blogging...you are such a great writer, always provoking such great thoughts.

    I am glad to hear all is well for you & Johnny! I received a comment from Jenny and I am pleased to hear they are doing well too. I really love this Blog thing...it's cool to chronicle your thoughts and actually have people look them over and respond.

    Update on me: I am back in school, pursuing a MBA from AUM. It has been challenging!!! My employer is truly one of the best in that I have an excellent reimbursement option on my tuition and books. I bought a house back in January and have been humbled by such a blessing. I am becoming more domesticated as time goes by.

    http://www.jatchison.blogspot.com// is my blog spot if you care to stop by and sit a while.

    Glad to hear all is well, tell Johnny hello!

    In His Care,


Thank you for taking the time to come here ~ may you leave with a softer, more beautiful view of His world.